When you shop at (Milledeux ApS) you have the right to cancel your order within 14 days.
Within these 14 days from the date of your purchase, you can inform us, that you would like to return the products to us for a full refund of your purchase price.
Please click here for our Cancellation and Warranty form.
Please note, that we will not refund you your shipping costs, or pay for the return shipping costs.
Your purchase is covered by the Danish Sale of Goods Act, including the “defective goods – rules”.
This means that you choose between the following options, if a product is defective:
- repair
- replacement
- refund
- reduction in the purchase price, depending on the specific situation
It is a requirement that the complaint is justified, and that the defect is not caused by an incorrect use of the product or other injurious behavior.
Please note, that Milledeux ApS reserves the right to replace a product instead of repairing it.
Please click here for our Cancellation and Warranty form.